A letter to the General Manager of Griffith Park
May 18, 2014

Dear Mr. Salaices:
I am writing you regarding a disturbing precedent that occurred this Saturday, May 17, 2014. A park ranger allowed an “art installation” of numerous, large , helium balloons to be released in various locations of the Hollywoodland Park Land adjacent to the former Hollywood(land) sign. I find any permission of this type of installation,illogical and irresponsible relative to the Eco sensitive area. The impact on the fragile wildlife and possible harm to mountain lion, coyotes, bob cats, raccoons, Cooperhawks, owls, coywolf, fox and cranes that consumed and swallowed the rubber substances from the balloons is an environmental disaster. Ingestion of these rubber substances could easily cause serious digestive issues and possibly death to the wildlife habitat. In addition, the “installation” also posed a safety issue to the “artists ” who ventured off the paved section of Mt. Lee tumbling into the crevices of the canyon and trampling natural chaparral and fauna in their quest for chasing the balloons! It creates a “monkey see, monkey do “. situation encouraging more illogical and unsafe stunts in this Eco sensitive section of our park.
Who authorized this installation? What assurances were made that this installation and any media associated with it, (stills or video ) will not be released to the public which in turn would draw more crowds and more “helium installation releases”.
In addition, what assurances were made that these helium balloons would not affect power lines or any equipment at the main communication tower that is suppose to protect the entire city of Los Angeles by providing dispatch to emergency services?
Please outline the criteria you used to authorized this “art Installation”.
In the future we would like to be apprised of all proposed uses of the Hollywoodland park land for special projects, filming, commercials, special hikes, tours by city officials, and art installations prior to your department authorization.
I look forward to your response and communication regarding this matter.
Thank you
Christine Mills O’Brien