The City of Los Angeles continues to allow thousands of hiker/visitors that view the Hollywood sign to trample the area surrounding the Tryolean water Tank. The Tyrolean Tank Plateau is the main water source for the residential Hollywoodland community.

Direct results of park abuse. The overuse of HGP at the end of Deronda and Mulholland Hwy. The city allowed the Tyrolean Tank Plateau to be denuded from its original native chaparral.

Mudslides in HGP 1/9/2018
Photo courtesy Alexa Williams

They have allowed thousands of hiker/visitors to trample the area to “view the sign”. All this activity occurs just yards away from the DWP Tyrolean Gravity fed water tank. That tank is the primary water source for the residential Hollywoodland community.

Area beneath the Tyrolean Plateau. Photo courtesy Alexa Williams

The misuse of this area is unsettling and unsafe in many respects. The  photo above right shows how the trampled HGP cause mudslides into the residential area. The  photo above left shows the area beneath the Tyrolean Plateau.