Expressing Hollywoodland and her Gifts!

Celebrate the Sherman Company’s 444-acre open space gift to the City of Los Angeles 75 years ago and its association with Hollywoodland residential for 96 years!
To demonstrate our appreciation of this land gift, we ask for art submissions that affect/inspire how we live, see, feel and enjoy Hollywoodland and her open-space. All forms of expression encouraged!
Categories are:
1.       Visual 2 and 3 D (painting, drawing, collage, sculpture)
2.       Written words (poems, prose, essays, story telling)
3.       Video, photography
4.       Music
Celebration/Display/ Reception
Sunday, October 20, 2019
4-7 PM
Hollywoodland Village
Criteria for submissions
•  All visual works (including photography) Maximum 36” X 36”. Place submissions in a secure, protective format that can be transported and displayed easily and safely. 3-D submissions should include a safe stand/displays.
•  Written words should be submitted on an 8.5 x 11-inch paper. These can be typed or handwritten. Published work is also welcome.
•  Videos and music can be submitted on CD or thumb-drives.
•  If the artist is interested in performing at the reception, it is encouraged! Please advise us so we can allocate adequate time for performances. You must be at least 18 years old
•  Submission deadline is October 6, 2019
Submissions are to be delivered to 2700 N. Beachwood Dr. 90068 on Oct. 5 10–12 A.M. or Oct. 6 4–6 P.M. Entries not requiring hanging etc. can be mailed with entry data to HHA, 2700 N. Beachwood Dr. LA , CA 90068
Other arrangements can be made by emailing subject line: ART DROP OFF.
Questions?  with subject line: ART ENTRY Artist’s submission should include the entry data below:
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Name (please print ____________________________________________
HHA Member? Yes   No
Title of the submission:______________________________________________
What category should submission be judged under? (see above)
1, 2, 3, 4
There is no charge for HHA members. Non-members fee is $10. There may be no more than 2 submissions per applicant.
The submitted works can be sold to attendees at the reception.
No fee will be taken from proceeds.
Prizes will be given in each category.
Insurance is the responsibility of the artist.
HHA assumes no liability for loss, theft, or damage.
If non HHA member, please drop off or mail a $10 check written to
HHA 2700 N. Beachwood Dr. LA , CA 90068 with a brief statement how your submission relates/affects Hollywoodland and her gifted park land.