Summer is here with longer, warmer days, and when early mornings and evenings feel like the best times to garden.

Dear Friends of The Thomas Payne Foundation
Summer is here with longer, warmer days, and when early mornings and evenings feel like the best times to garden. Not that much to do, though, as even weeds slow down with the heat.
Abutilon palmeri (Indian mallow), an easy-to-grow desert shrub that thrives and flowers with summer heat.
Things slow down at TPF, too. On July 3, we start “summer” hours and are open to the public three days a week, Thursday through Saturday. Please visit then for plants, classes, seeds, books, and gifts. In spite of the heat, we can promise flowers, fragrance, butterflies, bees, birds, and lizards galore. Happy Summer!
In the issue:
  • Our New Facebook Group
  • Garden Tour Application
  • Upcoming Classes
Now: TuesdaySaturday8:30am-4:30pm (Closed SundayMonday)
Summer Hours begin July 3ThursdaySaturday8:30am-4:30pm
                                               (Closed SundayWednesday)