The land adjacent to the Sunset Ranch easement road that begins where Beachwood Drive dead-ends was never part of the original Griffith land donation.

People professing advocacy for Griffith Park ignore facts in their legal challenge against the City of Los Angeles.
Griffith Trust, Friends of Griffith Park (FOGP), the Oaks Homeowners Association and Mike Gatto do not have their facts correct regarding the land adjacent to the Sunset Ranch easement road that begins where Beachwood Drive dead-ends.  The land was never part of the original Griffith land donation.
This area was part of the General Moses Sherman Hollywoodland, tract 6450.  It encompasses the Hollywoodland residential area beginning at the historic stone gates, north to the Hollywood(land) sign, west to Lake Hollywood and east to Brush/Bronson Canyon.  The 444 acre open space land surrounding the Hollywoodland residential community was donated to the City of Los Angeles by the Sherman Company in 1944.  The only official opening to this tract of park land is through Canyon Drive in Brush/Bronson Canyon.  Brush/Bronson Canyon residential area is represented by the Oaks and key FOGP members.
This frivolous legal action’s intent is to reverse a court order of a long standing property rights ingress/egress easement for the Sunset Ranch.  The easement was granted to Sunset Ranch in the early 1940’s before Sherman gifted the open space to the city.
For facts about Sherman’s land gift please view  A Unique Gift! and Addition to Griffith Park Ordinance 90638/
Contact:  Christine Mills O’Brien